Buckville Church and Cemetery Association
Larry Brown
Harlan Buttrum
Janet Fisher-Collum
Rusty Loyd
David Smith
Chuck Thornton
Rodney Thornton
Cindy Brown-Borden......Treasurer
Karen Dinkins-Meredith.....Secretary
Please send donations to:
Cindy Borden
P.O. Box 1317
Rogers, AR 72757
Email: kreid222@yahoo.com
Buckville's 2020 Homecoming was held this past June and all who were there deemed it a success! There were several in attendance who hadn't been to a Homecoming in many years and said they would definitely be back in the years to come. Some chose not to come due to Covid restrictions, but we hope that by next year that won't have to be a consideration. Improvements to the church this year included a handicapped ramp which now makes the Church accessible. New doors and steps in the back were also added.
We also have added new Trustees. They are Harlan Buttrum, Janet Fisher-Collum, and Rusty Loyd. Thank you for volunteering your time and energy to the Buckville Church and Cemetery Association!
Last Minutes of Buckville Baptist Church
Buckville, AR
Dec. 17, 1950
The Buckville Baptist Church was declared in Conference by Jeff Bradley. Bro. Anderson was elected moderator for conference.
Minutes of past conference were read and adopted.
The church voted to send the remainder of Sunday School fund and collection of Dec. 17 to Orphanage.
The church elected a committee to oversee the moving of church, namely Jeff Bradley, Loyd Chapmond, Vander Bradley and Manuel Bradley.
The same committee was elected as finance committee.
A motion was adopted to use money received for church property to move church building to the Cemetery and also for improvements on building, then remainder of money to be used on scholarship for some preacher selected by Committee.
A motion was made and carried to grant letters to all members of the church to be written when requested.
Alva Bradley was elected church clerk.
Conference adjourned.
Bro. Joe Anderson, Moderator
Alva Bradley, Church Clerk